Search Results for: grid management

Pages (2 results)


Faculty by Primary Interest

Areas of Interest Climate Change ERG COREDavid AnthoffDavid Anthoff is an environmental economist who studies climate change and environmental policy. He co-develops the integrated assessment model FUND that is used ... Continue Reading »

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Affiliated Faculty

ERG has a small core faculty but a much larger group of affiliated faculty. Affiliated faculty are based in other departments on campus or at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ... Continue Reading »

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Faculty (1 results)

Callaway, Duncan

Duncan Callaway

ERG Chair, Professor

Dr. Callaway’s teaching focuses on power systems and energy efficiency. His research can be categorized in three areas: modeling and control of aggregated storage devices; power management; and system analysis of energy technologies and their impact.

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Students (2 results)

Owusu Sarfo, Kwabena

Kwabena Owusu Sarfo


Kwabena Owusu Sarfo is a Master’s student at the Energy and Resources Group. Kwabena interests includes, energy system modeling and analysis, decarbonizing electric power grids, and renewable energy integration research. ... Continue Reading »

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Moraski, Jill

Jill Moraski


Jill is interested in addressing electric grid reliability and resilience challenges in a future characterized by economy-wide decarbonization, climate vulnerability, and deep risk uncertainty. Specifically, she’s interested in adapting best ... Continue Reading »

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Alumni (6 results)

Tome, Emma

Emma Tome


Who Governs a Sustainable Neighborhood? Planning a Community-scale Retrofit in Oakland, California (MS ’18) Emma’s interests are at the intersection of climate change adaptation, environmental justice, and science and technology ... Continue Reading »

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Lee, Jonathan

Jonathan Lee


The Cost of Reliability in Decentralized Solar Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa (MS ’18); Energy Management in Community Microgrids (PhD ’22) Jonathan studies transitions in electric power systems and electricity markets, ... Continue Reading »

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Rand, Joseph

Joseph Rand


Environmental, Economic, and Social Trade-Offs of Hydropower Relicensing (MS ’16) Joseph is interested in the social, environmental, and economic trade-offs in energy development, and in particular the social conflicts arising ... Continue Reading »

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Lara, José Daniel

José Daniel Lara


Modeling and Simulation of Electric Power Systems with Large Shares of Renewable Energy (PhD ’22) Jose Daniel was born in San José Costa Rica, received his B.Sc. and Licentiate in ... Continue Reading »

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Szinai, Julia

Julia Szinai


Julia studied economics and Spanish at UC Berkeley as an undergraduate, and realized her interest in energy and environmental issues while a research assistant at the UC Energy Institute. After ... Continue Reading »

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Cohen, Michael

Michael Cohen


Michael Cohen puts the power and complexity of the grid into students' hands via a video game. We asked Michael about his innovative project and his unique experience at ERG. "In addition to developing the game itself, I am working with teachers at local high schools to develop curriculum around it and try it out with their students this year. I hope to not only create a solid educational product but also gain some insights into how technology can be used to support learning about complex systems in general."

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News (3 results)

ERG PhD Student Szinai and Alumnus Gopal Link Grid Costs to Electric Vehicle Charge Management

ERG PhD Student Szinai and Alumnus Gopal Link Grid Costs to Electric Vehicle Charge Management

ERG PhD student Julia Szinai, ERG Alumnus Anand Gopal, and two other co-authors from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab have recently published a collaborative research paper on ScienceDirect.

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ERGies Contribute to IEEE “Electricity for All: Issues, Challenges, and Solutions for Energy-Disadvantaged Communities”

Challenges ERGies Contribute to IEEE “Electricity for All: Issues

Several ERGies recently contributed articles to an IEEE Special Issue on "Electricity for All: Issues, Challenges, and Solutions for Energy-Disadvantaged Communities."

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ERG Professor Kammen: Coal Makes Global Poverty Worse

ERG Professor Kammen: Coal Makes Global Poverty Worse

ERG Professor Daniel Kammen discusses how renewable energy offers a road out of poverty, while coal condemns people to it.

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Topics (1 results)

Mandel, Benjamin

Benjamin Mandel


Minding Electron Leakage: How Utility Regulation Can Improve Upstream Energy Efficiency (MS ’14) Ben is a concurrent MS-MPP degree student in ERG and the Goldman School of Public Policy. His ... Continue Reading »

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